• To have fun. 
  • To be safe - moving around the space carefully and calmly.
  • To listen - especially during instruction time and inside voices.
  • To help clean up - we all made the mess, we all put stuff away.
  • To be creative - ideas are our future.
  • There are no mistakes in art - a smudge can become a masterpiece with imagination.
  • To make random art or use the computers - when I can go further on my project.

Each Term: The students should produce -

  1. 1 - 2 major works of art.
  2. 1 - 2 minor pieces of art (where applicable). 
  3. 6 - 12 pages in sketchbook - please encourage students to do this by: getting them to bring into school things of interest (to stick into books) such as - magazine pictures/articles, photos, wrappers, leaves, feathers etc.


Most of the dot paintings are finished, they all look fantastic. Some are displayed near the main office and in the prep unit. The rest will go home by the end of this term.

The students have now started making pebble mosaics inspired by their submersion into dot painting.

Some students chose to paint their wooden background, then use PVA glue to attach their pebble compositions.  

Other students have chosen to use tile adhesive to secure their pebbles, so that they can grout these, like tiles, over the next few weeks.

Some pebble mosaics have already started going home, the rest will come home when they are properly dry/set.
