• To have fun. 
  • To be safe - moving around the space carefully and calmly.
  • To listen - especially during instruction time and inside voices.
  • To help clean up - we all made the mess, we all put stuff away.
  • To be creative - ideas are our future.
  • There are no mistakes in art - a smudge can become a masterpiece with imagination.
  • To make random art or use the computers - when I can go further on my project.

Each Term: The students should produce -

  1. 1 - 2 major works of art.
  2. 1 - 2 minor pieces of art (where applicable). 
  3. 6 - 12 pages in sketchbook - please encourage students to do this by: getting them to bring into school things of interest (to stick into books) such as - magazine pictures/articles, photos, wrappers, leaves, feathers etc.